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Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from danowat :No one I know uses helium!, there are some strange additives in cycle racing, helium isn't one of them!

As for training, yes, I do ride training wheels, but only because I don't want to ruin my expensive racing tubs, but I do about 95% of my training on my race bike, because specificity and adaption in position is much more important than having more resitance, if I want more resistance I just go faster

" but I do about 95% of my training on my race bike, because specificity and adaption in position is much more important than having more resitance, "

Yeah... That makes sense. Oh and when I meant "training wheels", I really didn't mean an extra set of wheels to use to save your good wheels. I didn't really think about that. LOL I meant TRAINING wheels - like what's on little kids' bikes.. But still, It would make sense to have a set of wheels for working out.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Crazy question here...
When training for races, instead of using the racing bike, why not practice with a heavy beach cruiser or something heavier? LOL a low rider bike...
Seriously though. Do you? I don't mean try and take a schwinn stingray on a Tour de France type run, but I dunno. Like for simple work out purposes?
Where I live it's flat. Flatter than a supermodel's chest. On my commute to and from work, I have to go through this area where all the "trendy" idiots do their thing. After the Boston Bombing, they all started jogging. Those sorts of people.
The ones that ride bikes in this area ride bikes like the ones y'all race with. They'll claim they do so to stay in shape. Only unlike y'all, I think they really ride those bikes because of the fancy price tag and that it's fashion coordinated. You know like those people that wanna wear the jacket, so they buy a Harley to do so?
Anyways if you're wanting to ride a bicycle for exercise or even to train for serious racing and your area is on flat ground with no real twists or anything, wouldn't it make more sense to use something that wasn't as light as a feather? Or do they make weights or something for doing just that?
Going by your posts, it's pretty apparent you don't use training wheels and might know a little about this subject.
Oh and does putting helium in the tires really help in racing?
Last edited by Racer Y, .
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from dfgjkl :If u realy want to who is to blame in all what hapen in ukraina blame ukraine government in first!I am 100% sure most here have not a clue what ppl in charge in ukraine gouverment - oligarchs thiefs and criminals.I know in past 10 years at least ukrainian citizens has no choiсe in who vote for next presiden - oligarch or criminal.Finaly ppl of ukraine tired of oligarch and criminals in charge and began to protest.Which resulted in maidan.I doubt that there were normal people in "maidan".
And when the riots broke out and a massive hassle and people began to die.What did ukrainian ''gouverment''?Send ukrainian solders to kill own ppl, ukrainian citizens and call it ''punishing mission''.In what they guilty that they deserve to be killed?To avoid being killed by own army they went into the militia or ''opolchenie'' ...

Like I said a few posts back...
Here's the Ukraine problem in a nutshell.
Ukraine has a government of crooks ran by some clown named Yucky or something. Doesn't matter, he's out of the picture. The Ukrainians decide they don't want this scumbag telling them how to think. They get rid of his happy ass and replace him and his bunch with....MORE CRIMINALS????!!!
So now you have the Crimeans. They decide that they don't want to be dictated by criminals and that they have a right to freedom and self determination without having to deal with criminal governments. Great idea!
You go Crimea! You don't have to take that crap from a bunch of oligarchs!
You rock!
Then those morons join Russia. WTF??? May as well join Mississippi.
LOL These Crimeans kind of remind me of the Tea party here in the states. The tea party lies about how they're all about less government and more personal freedoms for the individual. Yet as soon as they get a clown elected, the first thing those scumbags do is try to enact legislation that LIMITS the freedoms of the individual. I guess stupidity is a worldwide disease.
Now you have Russian separatists in Eastern Ukraine.... What? Do they want different criminals telling them how to think too or something?
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Wow.... Was interested in this, yet every post i did scan through seemed to still whine about the stupid chick car.
Anyways, My son's friends is getting one. An Oculus Rift.
My son does something with a controller company called...Chronus? Now I play LFS with this funky x-box looking controller he coded for me.

Uh... with this controller, there's one hell of a learning curve to using it so I'm still stuck in single player til I know I can play without crashing everyone.
I guess it's like everything else, you have to adapt to it.
What is it like adapting to using the rift? I mean does it have immediate results either positive or negative?
Is there a lot of getting used to seeing things differently? What happens when you're using it(them?) and you get lag? What about Headaches?
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Years ago, I was managing a sign shop. This guy comes in wanting promotional signage for this new thing - frisbee golf. He was looking for investors to get in on the ground floor.... talking crazy things about getting contracts for city parks. I figured he was just another nutcase with a wacky idea. Yeah. I'm still kicking myself over that one. He's got courses in cities all over the US now. Some people I work with play that a lot.
The discs don't look like a frisbee at all.... I dunno. I always figured it was a sport for stoners that can't afford to buy golf clubs.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Yesterday, I had to go and get new boots. Right beside the store I bought my boots at, there's a Kawasaki/Polaris/Victory Motorcycle dealership.
They had a "new" line of bikes. Apparently, Polaris, they make snowmobiles, personal watercraft, four wheel ATVs and Victory motorcycles, decided to start making Indian motorcycles.
Now I know most of y'all prefer sitting like frogs on hunks of plastic, but you have to see these bikes. LOL you should like them, seeing how the side panes covers the whole back end of the bike.
To be honest, I wouldn't want one. These things start out at 20k US. That and
it's just too fancy for practical riding. It's one thing to lay over a 1200 dollar rat bike doing a burnout, It's a major heart attack to get a rock chip on the tank of a 20,000 dollar ride.
The motor is what get's me. It's a ginormous V-twin (what is 110 cui? 2100cc?). The heads have this wild fin pattern. LOL the motor looks like they got a pump from an industrial air compressor and chrome plated it. You have to see this motor. It's air/oil cooled, not water, but I think they are banking on the heatsink fins to do the cooling.
Even though it looks like a perfectly restored dinosaur from the 1940's, it's not. It has ceramic lined exhausts. Fuel injection, monoshock rear end, inverted forks, decent disc brakes..
I didn't get to actually ride it. Didn't want to. Murphy's law would take effect and I'd be stuck with the most beautiful 20 thousand dollar bike with a smashed tank and bent bars that you've ever seen.

Oh well. next time you're on your super fast, high performance sportbike, doing a whole 15 miles an hour for the last hour in traffic, sweating to death
in that Joe Rocket Wear, fighting off the leg cramps, if you were a lottery winner or something you could at least be sitting pretty doing that on this: ... 59-405e-4c6e-7955a184f0d8
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :Welcome to PC behaviour, clearly, a British diplomat raping a NZ woman is supported by the British govt.

He claimed Diplomatic immunity and this was supported by the British govt, who had the choice to not support him.

And people get upset about words on this (British) website. I suggest that anyone in the UK brings this to the papers attention, ask your MP why the UK supports rape, etc.

In NZ we're not even allowed to know his name/country. Apparently PC correctness dosn't apply to rape.

And people get banned here for using non pc words ?

Please raise this issue as in NZ we're making this very public on all forums. As our govt is only interested in presenting their arse to these people we the people are taking on this abuse as being unacceptable.

Our cops have issued an arrest warrant on this scum if he ever turns up when he's not protected by the UK govt. ... lomat-sex-attack-Key.html

That's what I've been telling you. Gun control laws suck.
Here. You like links:
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :Dude, we're all humans on this forum (I hope !)

I think you'll find that our Russian forum members are as disgusted at this as the rest of us. There were kiwi's on that flight, in fact they had dual dutch citizenship. I do actually care about this. I'm not posting this to piss you off, I'm posting this because my Govt seems to not care about who actually did kill our people. None of the above information has made our media, apart from the same crap you see (I wonder why ?)

However you may personally feel about any race as a group, that is no reason not to care about individual people.

And we're all people here, we race together, (I get booted from your server due to lag,) but we are all human individuals with the same rights.

And, we owe it to the individuals who were murdered to discover the truth, because they are us.

You know.... for the sake of argument, say the Ukrainian government did shoot it down. In all honestly, it very well could've been either side. The evidence presented so far doesn't make me think it could be anyone but the separatists , but still say it's fielder's choice. I doubt the plane was fired on with the shooter knowing it was a civilian airliner.
But that's just it. I don't think this was anywhere near a deliberate action. Just a very stupid one.
And that's it with you. You seem to want to find a deliberate action out of this and other global crap some sort of dark hidden agendas.
Look. The world really isn't run by shadow governments, ancient families or secret societies.
It's run by a bunch of half-wit bureaucrats too busy trying to cover their own asses and too stupid to come up with any world domination. Sure, you got a Dick Cheney that pops up once in a while . But they come and go.
Know what Cheney does nowdays? He runs around a bunch of cocktail parties and tries to grab as many people as he can by the arm and tell them how famous he was. To get him off, they ask about his daughter.....
Same for Putin, Obama, that dude that's president of that one place that does all that stuff... Yeah. All of them. They'll come and go.
But the half-wit bureaucrats too busy trying to cover their own asses remain.
In fact, I bet they have a whole department dedicated to maintaining conspiracy theories so no one finds out about them and then does a performance audit on them.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Fordman :I posted the problem, then after about 10mins of looking in my profile, I found the cause.

I then thought I would test it, but clicked Submit instead of I moved away slowly from the thread LOL


So... did you really have a problem or did you want to start a forest fire between the Firefox/chrome people?
(sorry... been reading too many of Racer X's posts again)
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Does it have to be a car?
I get stuck in multi-hour gridlock on my commute regularly so I'm thinking Earth Mover or Tank. Not a Monster Truck. You really shouldn't get those dirty.

Kinda off topic. but during those commutes, I come across quite a few of those types of cages that are in this price range, driving along in the same mess.
Yeah. Guys making up for their inadequacy in cars able to go from zero to sixty in two seconds...Lucky if they can go from Fifteen to Twenty five in Thirty Minutes.
Anyways, know what all these over-priced cage drivers have in common? Sore necks.

....1940's Harley Knuckle head with a hard tail and springer forks....
A Honda Rune... A 1968 honda CB 750... A Vincent Velocette.
A Triumph Bonneville... A real Triumph. A leaker bobber chopper at that.
And a 1973 Ford Ranchero GT with a Blueprinted 351 Cleveland, glass packs, and a mark IV transmission with a shift kit and a sunroof Like I used to have to have to pick up the bikes when they break down.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
......Character animator? I have to deal with a lot of animated characters, but that's a little different.
So you mean we really CAN have pedestrians and small animals run on the tracks?

By the way Eric... You know, in Jamaica, they have a race track down the road from Lennox Louis's house? Yeah... not as cool as Fern Bay.

You make good tracks man.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Mustafur :Im sorry, George Carlin is an idiot.

No he's not. He's dead.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from dfgjkl :Well thanks,equated to the deposed ww2 nazis.I certainly understand,but still...

LOL I don't blame you.... I'm an American. I know better. You and me? We're just low men on a very big totem pole and probably could care less about the Ukraine much less be able to spell it.

Our "leaders" (typical scum-bag politicians) personally dis-like one another and will use what ever global event to further their little pissing contest. And I'm pretty sure both of these clowns will milk it for what it's worth.
Hopefully, Putin's underlings will get tired of losing money from the sanctions and gets replaced "Stalin style" or maybe we can hold out long enough for Obama to be replace in a couple of years. The idiots that look like the next candidates are patheticly incompetent, but I don't think any of those losers have it in for Putin.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from danielroelofs :Hi Nil..

You have the right thoughts. By knowing you.. I know we are on the same line

I asked myself the questions, who were on board of that plane and who would have the interest to shoot it out of the air?

Then combine what you have said to that huge laugh of that so called media post by the separists that they have shot the plane. It made me even more sure about it being a false flag. This is a 'win, win' for one country again if the people would believe this so called 'official' story. You just have to do some research about how one particular country tries to justify 'business' since like 1960 and at least I come to a certain conclusion of what this looks like again.

I feel for quite a time now that one party is trying to do so much to provoke war, and it is not Russia.

Dutch 'established' media were very quick with showing a Ukrainian half crying prime minister on television directly pointing to the Russian separists and so indirectly to Russia, that they have been the cause. This without him really being able to know the true story. Black is white and white is black. This stinks like hell.

Personally? I think it was a case of idiocracy all the way around.
Uhhh.. the Ukrainian rebels for being stupid enough to shoot the plane down in the first place.
The Russians for giving weapons systems that lethal to a bunch of hill billies.
I'm an American, trust me, I know. Giving atomic bombs to chimpanzees is not a good thing, no matter how much oil/gas is there.
And of course Good Ol Malaysia Airlines.... All the security crap that we have to go through at the airport, all the fees we have to pay for whatever now to cover the cost of being hassled at the airport by the rent a cops - just to have them fly over combat zones to save a few bucks in gas.

One thing out of all that was all those people rushing up to the debris - to grab credit
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :Thanks for the replies, if you don't want to read it, don't bother. Easy really.

Here's some interesting NZ stuff on Kim DotCom. Given NZ citizenship cus he brought it. We have cool laws here.....
If you have money, your past is 'No problem', if you don't, good luck getting NZ citizenship ! ... d=1&objectid=11294539

If the current Kim Dotcom conspiracy theory turns out to be a reality, then it illustrates some significant lessons about the nature of New Zealand politics and government. In particular, it says a lot about wealth and power, and New Zealand's role and relationship to other international powers. Even if the conspiracy theory is invalid it still reveals some interesting, and perhaps disturbing, details about how politics works, as it points to the fact that very wealthy 'high rollers' can be invited to live in New Zealand purely because of their 'spending power', despite 'bad character', FBI investigations, or criminal convictions.

And you wonder where my views come from ? We actually tend to be a bit more aware here than we're expected to be.

To quote George Carlin, "Hey kids! It's mostly bullshit and garbage, and none of the stuff they tell you is true. And when your dumb-ass father says he wants you to amount to something, he means make a lot of money. How do you think the word amount got in there?"

I think the moral of this little story is that the fool should've stayed In Germany. So what if they arrest him and convict him? All he gets there is a suspended sentence.
Now since he ducked out in New Zealand and gets busted, he is looking at being
extradited to the US of A, where he'll wind up being this guy's B!tch:

Think he'll learn then? LOL that scammer will find a whole new definition for Megaupload - huh? ROFL He's from Germany, think he'll join the AB? A lot of celebrity convicts usually pay the AB or the Mexican Mafia protection money.
You and your secret government crap. You should realize that when the Latin Kings X'ed out a Alqueda propaganda graffiti in Mosul, that pretty much showed how much power these all knowing government entities really DON'T have.

But as far as immigration goes, I'm sorry, I got a busload of kids complaining about bullies to deal with right now.

Here's a conspiracy for you.
The inmates at GITMO need to thank Mohammed that they're there. Remember that L/K stuff? Well, if those punks do get put into the civilian system, they won't make the bond hearing. They've been green lighted. Forget about Governments. You don't get to kill one of those guys and just walk away. And it doesn't matter if they convert to Evangelical Christianity become Uncle Sam's best buds or major become share holders in Franken food, Inc. They F+++ up. If they do real time, they'll get killed.
Last edited by Racer Y, .
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :No, it would just load up a different shader for the paint (anything shiny - mainly outside) and the matt surfaces (anything not shiny - mainly inside) and another for the glass (anything transparent).

This allows shader writers (including me) to give different visual properties to those objects.

The shaders I write will be on the efficient side, like not having "normalize" and complicated vector computations in the pixel shader. For me frame rate is a lot more important than an extremely subtle effect that you can't see unless you examine comparison screenshots.

Yeah, that's another big plus with LFS. the efficiency. It seems a lot of game developers just go all out and hope their potential market will also be
willing to spend the extra $$$ on upgrades to play their game.

"vector computations in the pixel shader" LOL I do know a little about those. A big problem most people have with vectors is they don't minimize the node count (a welded square having eight node points instead of just four)
That can increase file size and make the computer work harder to translate it.
Especially in a video game when you have a zillion shapes done that way.
Usually when some half wit designer/architect won't provide me with client artwork and I have to get it from a cloud, it usually means the idiot did just that and the file size is too big for them to e mail.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :One comment I have to make about the custom shaders I have seen, they seem to overdo the Fresnel effect.

The Fresnel effect says that the reflection is decreased on polygons that face you, while increasing to near 100% when the polygon faces nearly perpendicular to your view (the ones near the edges of the object).

But the normal thing in the custom shaders seems to be to remove reflections altogether when the polygon faces you. But just look in some glass or the side of a car. You could use it to shave... proving that the reflection does not go down to zero when the polygon faces towards you.

Note, the default reflections (environment map textures) are made a lot darker than the sky, so that the highlight can be strong and the reflections are at a reasonable level for a non-fresnel shader. This means that the reflection should be multiplied quite a lot (maybe 4 times or so?) in order to reach 100%.

I guess I'll implement a basic Fresnel effect into the default shaders. My vague thoughts are to implement, as a first stage, three shaders for cars: paint / matt / glass. These are easily detectable for all cars without needing to start getting detailed in the editor.

Most of the stuff you've discussed is waaaayyy over my head. but this part, "three shaders for cars: paint / matt / glass."
Are you saying you can have cars with matte finishes? Like a primer or something?

Yeah, I don't understand half of what you've described, but I'm pretty sure I won't be disappointed with your results. You still need to put a train in So. City. though. Maybe the old Soul Train train?
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Chrisuu01 :On a more positive note.

I have a new bike, well not new per say but you get my point.

LOL "new" ... man that's a nice bike. LOL it's a "vintage" bike! I dunno... I'm sort of prejudiced though as a CB 750 is one of my favorite motors.
My uncle had one in the 1970's. In those days it was the BIG bike.
What year is it? It looks like late 90's? Any ways it looks GOOD.
Just out of curiosity, does the term Flat Tracker Bobber mean anything to you?

I guess I'm sort of prejudiced towards Hondas in general. The 750 was actually designed by God you know.

Oh well. Great bike.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
But the alleged driver has defended his actions, claiming "you only live once".

The man, thought to be from Tonbridge, told a national newspaper he was "proud to be different".

And he accused people of "blowing it all out of proportion", appearing to have no regrets.

I wonder if he would have the same attitude if there was an accident?
You know there's all kinds of anti-social things to do that sound hilarious
Sneaking onto a racetrack during a race falls into that category.
But again, it just sounds like a funny thing for a few seconds. Most people realize the sheer stupidity of actually doing that and are happy to just giggle about the notion of it.
This guy? He's a complete imbecile. Did this guy think he was just going to take a lap around the track and everyone would have a good laugh about it?

I always wanted to sling out a barrel full of marbles in front of a marathon run. The thought of that is freaking hilarious....til you look at it realistically and realize the amount of damage those morons would to themselves stampeding all over each other in the process.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from DANIEL-CRO :Sorry for offtopic or maybe it isn't offtopic

WINE + LFS = Don't drink and drive ???

LOL proves that he's dated... No one drinks and drives anymore. It's too hard to do that and use the phone - Oxycotin....
Anyways... what does this actually do?.... I never really got the whole dx 8 -9 ...54? shader things. Does the higher the number mean that more you have to spend on a video card?
Last edited by Racer Y, .
Racer Y
S3 licensed
YOu know... I tried keeping up with this... Man it's too much like watching revenge of the nerds.... Gonna go out and get some sun.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Gunn :At my workplace we use XP on several machines as a neccessity for backwards compatibility. Our company deploys and manages cutting edge radio technology and is not a big company at all. We were also able to strip XP down to the essentials and it runs very very fast and is very stable. It is easy to get rid of the junk in XP.

While I much prefer Windows 7 as an OS, I'd be an imbocile to state that XP is useless or redundant, having seen it flawlessly operate year in - year out with no issues at all. As for security, there is plenty you can do to protect your network and system without Microsoft's help. Most security issues concerning home computing lie somewhere between the chair and the keyboard.

Every statement made here denouncing XP as useless or dangerous or past its useful life smacks of ignorance about computing in general and of operating system use in particular.

Repeatedly stating the situation to the contrary will not change the facts.

Some people just seem to think if it's not the latest and greatest, it's not any good.
LOL our paint and screen printing departments still use 98. But then again their computers are pretty much just file cabinets for color formulas. I really don't see where our company should spend any extra money updating that.
Just because Microsoft made a new OS. How would the newer OS help them enter data over the 98 dinosaurs they have now?... Oh well... Speaking of...
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :No. XP is dead. Microsoft isn't releasing ANY security updates to consumer versions of XP (only the embedded versions), thus by running XP you are a malware target and a potential malware hellstew to infect others.

uh no... not quite. More like comatose and on life support with the doctors telling the family to pull the plug.

There are still some software developers out there making updated patches for XP users.
A lot of high end equipment has software that just isn't compatible with windows 7. At work, we would have to replace several hundred thousand dollars worth of equipment if we wanted to switch to windows 7. We get around that problem with dedicated machines and I have an XP emulator on my computer....
That I avoid like the plague.
Thankfully I can dummy down things instead of opening up that nasty crash monster.
But now it seems the industry is catching up. I know the new waterjet software will work in windows 7, but the computer still uses an XP system.
Our flat jet printer? The operating software works great with windows 7.
The graphics processing software not so much. I'm guessing that the hd space taken up by the operating system as well as the drivers of the program might have something to do with that.
The program runs horribly slow and prone to locking up when scaling or touching up files with windows 7. And even though the company gave us updated drivers to work with win 7, it really doesn't make much difference.
I dunno. Someone else runs that and that's how they do it.

But again, it's just a matter of time before XP joins 98, 95, 3.5. and whatever.
I wouldn't be interested in something stuck in an XP operating system.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
LOL I forget that there is a Surf scene in the UK.
Here in Texas, the only time surf is any good is when there is a hurricane out in the Gulf. I met these guys that would go out into the shipping lanes and wake surf off the waves from the freighters. Me? Never tried surfing. Skateboarded until I broke my leg in a bike wreck, Parasailed... Kayaking... but no surfing
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Blas89 :Bus drivers are dicks, can't say anything else about them... Normal drivers are dicks as well, everyone is dumb.

(Looks like I'm fed up, right?)

...Normal drivers are dicks as well...

Once we were in Nuevo Laredo. Ever been there? Any ways there was this plaza and everyone parallel parked on the streets surrounding it. These people would put the cars bumper to bumper to bumper to bumper. I don't know how they did that. Well this woman leaves the plaza and gets into her car. the cars parked in front of and behind hers is right up against her car's bumpers. She honks her horn for a couple a minutes. No one shows up to get their car out of the way. Not like they could anyhow seeing that all the cars were right up against each other. So she starts slamming into the cars behind her and in front of her car, back and forth until both cars were mashed in enough so she could pull hers out and leave.
Man, I miss going down there. Until Calderon had to stir up the cartels, that was the safest big city in North America that I've ever been in. Laredo, on the Texas side, was the crappiest of the two cities. Now ... no Laredo is still a crappy city .

Yeah. We've got the cartels here as well. They are slowly making inroads and I have seen their expansion. And it is pretty impressive to a degree. Only the crap they pull down there don't fly too good here. When they say, "plato o plomo" here, we answer back with a silver bullet and then take their silver. Most of them are just half-wit nacos with a gun. Once they run out of bullets, they're still just a half-wit naco. And Lord help them if they get put into our prison system. We have plenty of well established fraternities in those places that will be more than happy to point out to them that they are just that.
But the stupid drug war my government just had to create and your government's willing participation helped to put these walking birth defects to where they've gotten to now. From Salinas on up the drug war for them has been ARRRIIIBBBAAA! $$$$$ GRINGO CASH GRAB BAG $$$$$.
And what has this stupid drug war actually accomplished besides making ZETA a house hold name?
On a positive note, while the cartels are now growing weed and cooking meth on THIS side, thanks to Colorado and Washington state, the price of hydro has dropped into range where it can compete with the Mexican weed.
I predict this price drop to increase even more so once those two states get fully in gear. LOL that means we American Stoners will no longer be dealing with Mexican cartels. We'll be too busy trying to score from the Vietnamese gangsters instead.
And the Cartels are left with only the meth addicts to do business with. American speed freaks that live in double-wides are the most dangerous people on Earth.